Digital Driveby

This concept of “Digital-Drive By” is something that we have played around with for a while now.

There are so many truly remarkable businesses in cities all over the world, from restaurants and entertainment venues to spas and boutiques. Rarely, however, does our first encounter with these businesses happen by driving (or walking) by their storefront.

Unless you happen to live in one of those nostalgic places with a vibrant town square filled with thriving local businesses run by people you know, you are more likely to discover a new place to grab lunch, get your teeth cleaned, have your leaky roof fixed, find the perfect baby shower gift and so on, Online. And if you market your product/service to travelers, then this is even more true!

These days, our first contact with a new brand invariably is on the web, not on the street. A “Digital-Driveby”.

So, if your website is your “first storefront”, what impression does it give potential customers?

Can they even find you online?

Can they find you on their mobile devices?

Are negative reviews and outdated content the first things they come across?

Does your digital brand accurately reflect who you are and what you do offline?

If you don’t like your answers to these questions, do not pass go. Contact us today.